Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kerry Washington

Kerry Washington is no stranger to the big screen. With countless of movies on her impressive resume, Ms. Washington has proven that she is an actress who has staying power. Her latest film is “Lakeview Terrace” which debuts in theaters this Friday. Kerry recently had an interview with The following is an excerpt of that interview where she talks about some of her political views.

EBJ: So I understand that you attended the GOP presidential convention in Minneapolis.

KW: I was at both the Democratic and the Republican convention as part of the Creative Coalition.

EBJ: So you would definitely say that you’re politically active?

KW: I’m very politically active and it’s a little weird for me because the closest I’ve ever been to a political convention before this was protesting outside the Republican convention in New York four years ago. So now to be going inside is a little weird. But the Creative Coalition is a bi-partisan organization, so we work on both sides of the aisle to fight for arts funding, First Amendment rights and arts education.

EBJ: So you definitely don’t believe what some people say that actors shouldn’t get involved with politics; that they should been seen and not heard.

KW: Well I am not politically active as an actor. I am politically active as an American. I live in a country where I have a First Amendment right of free speech and I live in a representative democracy where I feel it is my responsibility to participate in the process. So why not participate vocally? It’s because I believe in people taking responsibility for where they live and how they live. So I encourage all people to be involved and volunteer and to show up and to testify and to do whatever they can to be a part of this political process.

To read the entire interview, visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kerry seems to be well-adjusted with beauty and brains.